Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rest easy. God is watching.

I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. Psalm 3:5

King David writes this as he is fleeing for his life from his son Absalom, who has orchestrated a coup against him. So, David takes all of his court and they run for their lives. Out of this comes what we just read. David says, he rested during this. I have a hard time resting when a few things around the house go undone. I assume that if a family member were trying to kill me, that rest would be hard to come by. But David says, ‘he slept and woke up in safety because God was watching over him.’ Which causes me to ask myself, “Do I believe in God’s watchful protection enough to rest when times are the hardest?” I am not talking about sleep to escape the problems but I am talking about rest, that reminds me that I am under God’s watchful eye. I got a lot of room grow here. May we all rest under God’s watchful eye.

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