My blog seems like it could be titled "What God teaches me through my daughters" because it seems that lately all I write about is what I learned through watching them. So staying true to form, here we go again.
According to my wife, The other day my four year old was out in the backyard sitting in a fresh patch of new grass, where she frequently chooses to play, she looked up toward the sky and says "God, will you be my best friend? Please, please, pleeaassee!" Now, my wife and I have seen this kind of best friend request from our little girl several times recently. She has asked for BFF status and used her BFF potential as a bargaining chip several times in the past month. Yet, we have never seen her ask God to be her best friend. And if this wasn't enough of a Kodak Moment, my four year old looks up at the sky and responds, "Ok." It was as if God smiled down at her and said, "You bet I will be your best friend and it will most definitely be forever."
When God says that he is your friend, he means it. He speaks with his friends face to face, he let's them in on his plans, when his friends are discouraged he whispers words of encouragement to them. Have you ever thought of asking God to be your friend? Don't send him a Facebook friend request. Make it a bit more personal. Look up and say, "God, will you be my best friend? Please, please, pleeaassee!" and find out what his response will be. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.