Sunday, November 19, 2006


Eleven years ago in June 1995. God placed me and my wife here at West Houston church of Christ. Now he is releasing us from the ministry here to a place that he will make known later. At the elders’ initiation and my mutual agreement, we have determined that the vision paths that we have will lead down different paths in the kingdom of God.

Therefore, thanks to the graciousness of our elders, my plan is to take a month long sabbatical to seek God concerning the details of plans for me and family’s future. The sabbatical will last from December 10th – January 10th and then to I plan finish my duties as a youth minister on staff on February 25th.

My dear church family, my love for you runs deep. You have watched me grow up. You have always welcomed and cared for us. You were there when we struggled through three years of waiting to have children and you have loved my family as if they were your own. My prayer for you is that you grow in deep relationship with God and each other and that you will make disciples of Christ as you are transformed in the your relationship with God and each other.

I want you to know that I love you and entrust you to God. Many times when a minister leaves a church many wonder and speculate as to the reasons. Please don’t do this. It will only grieve my spirit and I believe it will grieve God’s as well. The elders here love me and I love them and we both love you dearly and desire what it is best for you. Even though the visions that we have are leading us into different paths, there is no bitterness, anger or strife - just different paths. God calls each of us to where he will lead and no matter where we are or where we go God ultimately is directing all.

Please feel free to speak to myself or any of the elders with questions that you may have. I love you with the amazing love that I have received from Christ.


Casey said...

It's never easy to leave a place of safety and comfort in order to venture out to where the Lord is calling you. Our family will be praying for yours.

Tq said...
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Tq said...

Thanks for your prayers, Casey.

Deana Nall said...

I know God has amazing plans for you and your family. He specializes in the unexpected -- he brought us to Arkansas, for heaven's sake. I can't wait to see where he leads you and how he will use you next. Our prayers are with you.

Chuck Griffin said...
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Chuck Griffin said...


Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another.


An event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another.

What an exciting time! I love our God so much TQ. I love how faithful He is in answering our prayers. I love how He is displaying the dramatic transformation He's bringing about in your life. I love how He displays His faithful children as examples to the rest of the family. I honestly can't wait to learn what He has in store for you! What a glorious time of transition and transformation in you life! What a glorious and powerful answer to all of your seeking and praying! He wants you to know how extremely pleased He is with you TQ. I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of you right now... What an incredible encouragement you have been and remain to be for me brother. I love you and your family more than words can express. Relax even deeper into His loving embrace.

A period during childbirth that precedes the expulsive phase of labor, characterized by strong uterine contractions and nearly complete cervical dilation.

What a painful but extremely exciting time!!


Anonymous said...

hey brother... thanks for opening your home to us this week. you and your family have been a blessing to my family! thanks!
wow... a clean sheet of paper for God to draw on...? don't think so, he's been working on this work of art for a while... he's pulling out the special colors now.
i'm excited and hacked for your... but peaceful. I'll pray that peace for you and lehanna.

Anonymous said...

TQ - Thanks for always encouraging me in ministry and in my personal life through the years. I am praying for you and your family. I am encouraged by your full trust in the Lord. - Mike Avery