Thursday, March 26, 2009


Most people who live in Houston are familiar with congestion and I am not even talking about traffic. I am talking about allergen instigated nasal congestion. You know, the kind where try to breathe  with all your might and you take in less oxygen than a flea. Well, the last few days nasal congestion has been my plight. As I sit here feeling like there is a brick stuck in my nose and trying to come up with the thought of the day, I find myself thinking about my bills, my coffee shop gig tonight, the Conversant Life contest, my kids, my wife, the dog’s health, the phone calls that need to be made etc, etc, etc. My mind is congested just like my nasal passages. Maybe that is why God says ‘Be Still and know that I am God’. He says stop and focus on knowing one thing – “I am God.” I believe this practice may act like a decongestant for our mind and spirit. It clears the way for us breathe in God’s Spirit. Stop and breathe deeply of the Lord.


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